TeacherŐs Name: Matt Lang

Test and Grade Level: 4th Grade

Individual Analysis             StudentŐs Name: Novatny, Katrina

                                                                        Overall Score: 681

Proficiency Level: Advanced




-Comprehension: 940 (P)

-Vocabulary: 940 (P)


-Thinking: 678 (P)

-Research: 613 (P)


  • Comprehension Skills:

á      Student shows proficiency in:

á       writing a complete, thorough summary

á       completing complex non-linear sequencing

á       using context clues for words with unusual or abstract meanings


  • Vocabulary Skills:

á      Student shows proficiency in:

á       identifying many details from context to thoroughly answer a question

á       supporting an opinion with specific details from text

á       classifying vocabulary in abstract ways


á      Thinking Skills:

á      Student shows some proficiency in:

á       understanding and following directions

á       recognizing the author's point of view and purpose

á       expressing a character's reactions or explaining a reaction to the text

á       locating relevant information

á      Research Skills:

á      Student shows some proficiency in:

á       differentiating among printed materials

á       reading for information that contains multiple steps

á       analyzing and discriminating among various media


Possible causes:

  • KatrinaŐs proficiency in comprehension and vocabulary, however excellent, are still overshadowed by her inability to grasp the abstract concepts included in her below average scores in Thinking and Research. This deficiency might be present due to the fact that Katrina has her hardest time in fluidly integrating relevant information with the writing of summaries and analyses.

Proposed solutions:

á      The first step to addressing KatrinaŐs lower scores is to first incorporate new reading strategies into her Ňbag of tricks.Ó Reading Strategies (especially pre-reading) are the fundamentals that will start her on the right path.

á      The first tactic to improving KatrinaŐs thinking skills would be to strengthen her ability to synthesize text that she has read through simple application. This application could include:

á      Author analyses, chapter analyses, filling in the blanks between chapters, etc.

á      The quickest way of addressing lower research skills would be to assign a research project that addresses the three issues of differentiating media, reading multi-step information, and the analysis of various media.