My Technology Inventory

What is it?

How can I use it?

How can my students use it?

Hardware/Audio-Video Equipment


Scan historical artifacts and photographs; digitize print documents


Scan original artwork; scan pictures from text, magazines, etc.

Digital Camera

Take unlimited (per the memory card) pictures in a digital format of all my classes and theatrical productions


Take pictures of rehearsals and class projects for record keeping and scrap booking purposes

DVD/VHS player


Play DVDÕs and/or VHS tapes to enhance class instruction. Play student driven recordings for review.

Play student created projects using recording equipment

One Laptop




Create and store informational documents vital to classroom instruction from anywhere on the planet.

My students will not use my personal laptop. If needed though, I might let my asst. director use it for rehearsal purposes

30 computer lab




To enhance instruction through the use of word processing and spreadsheet programs as well as research through the internet.

Enhance homework and projects through the use of word processing and spreadsheet programs and researching possibilities with the internet

Productivity Software

Microsoft Word




Create flyers and handouts and worksheets; draw diagrams

Type papers; create class newsletters/newspaper; create brochures


Microsoft Excel


Create Spreadsheets for organizational and grading purposes

Create spreadsheets for class assignments






Create storyboards for playscripts and movies; create character flow charts.

Create storyboards for playscripts and movies; create character flow charts.

Dreamweaver/ FrontPage




Creating multi-tiered websites for enhanced instruction. Create class website/production website

Creating multi-tiered websites





Create buttons and vectors and bitmaps for web design programs

Create buttons and vectors and bitmaps for web design programs

Adobe Photoshop




Use in the manipulation of photo documents

Use in the manipulation of photo documents







continued on page 2É


My Technology Inventory continuedÉ

What is it?

How can I use it?

How can my students use it?

Internet/School Network





Communicate with parents regarding announcements and important dates; collect student work;

Communicate with kids in other countries (keypals), field experts, each other; research projects

World Wide Web




Search html sites to garner information for class instruction

Search html sites to garner information for classroom assignments





Connect all my students online to disseminate information

Connect to the teacher and fellow students to receive information as part of a group

Class Network Folder




Store class assignments for easy electronic access

Acquire class assignments through an electronic resource
